Friday, February 7, 2014

Yoga Pants, Starbucks and Grey's Anatomy

It always feels like I am crossing the finish line when Friday rolls around. Another week down, another paycheck made and two upcoming dates of rest and relaxation. It's easy to wear a smile all day. Another reason to smile is knowing all of the great things that happened through the week, let's reflect shall we?

1. This past weekend I took my mother to have her first mammogram test. This week the test results came back and showed abnormalities. Worst case scenario I thought cancer. Who doesn't?  I freak myself out and worry until I hear otherwise. So she went yesterday for further testing and thank the Lord, the tests came back detecting lymph nodes. Causing a less chance of cancer and a simple check up six months from now. We celebrated with steak and other good food!

2. Tomorrow I have an overnight sitter and the hubs will be gone for most of the night. This rarely happens. I happily plan to wear my yoga pants, eat ice cream, stalk Pinterest and continue watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix. I live an exciting life can't you tell?

3. While walking out of work on Tuesday my legs decided to stop working and before I knew it I slammed into the concrete on my back and crushed my back side against the ice. Ouch. Since then I've walked at a snails pace, lost sleep because I can't lay on my right side and my hips have been in excruciating pain. All this aside, I broke nothing. No concussion, no face plant etc. So looking on the bright side it could have been a lot worse.

4. Starbucks. That in itself will make you happy. My weakness is their white chocolate mocha. Can you tell how happy it makes me? They have me hooked!

5. After eight inches of snow blanketed our city this week I decided to focus on the positive and snap a picture of a group of trees that seem to be glowing every time I pass the area. Instead of complaining about my three hour commute each day and the slow moving traffic and cold temps, I pull this picture out and remind myself how lucky I am to experience this beauty.

I'm ready for a nice quiet weekend, filled with more lattes, great television and thankfully heat since we are supposed to have even colder weather and two more inches of snow.

How are you remaining positive despite your surroundings?


  1. I hope you have a great relaxing evening!!! I know our 1/2 inch of snow is nothing but our roads are a mess. LOL I am ready to be done with winter because Texas folks do not handle the road conditions very well. I LOVE White Chocolate Mocha!!!!! My favorite.
    I am so glad you momma got some better results.
    Have a GREAT weekend!!!

  2. You probably got enough stars to get the bonus this week! :-) If your back pain doesn't go away within a week or so, maybe visit a chiropractor? I always feel amazing after an adjustment!


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