Monday, December 10, 2012

Good, Bad & Ugly

Goodbye weekend, hello work week. Unlike last week I have five work days instead of 2 and a half. Getting motivated is a little harder this week. So I am starting the morning with the daily Monday GBU along with my fellow bloggers Kate and Kati to try and find some motivation.

Stay awhile! Link up! Enjoy the fun!

We attended Breakfast with Santa at the hubs workplace. First we stuffed ourselves with doughnuts, coffee and juice. Then we waited for Santa's arrival where Madison's face lit up at the site of Santa's appearance. She told him her wish list, received a new coloring kit and insisted on two hugs and a high five. Watching my baby grow into an amazing little girl has to be the best thing ever.

(Her face as Santa enters the room)
(Giving Santa her list)
 (Happy times with Santa)
This weekend Madison had her dance performance with her dance company at a local mall. Although Madison made us all proud and rocked her performance, her class of 12 failed to sign up for the performance. Her along with one other child were the only two to sign up. This left her class as the smallest group to attend the event. I am hoping the next performance, more kids attend, to show their support and team effort!

So if you haven't met our friend Lucy, she is our little Elf On The Shelf. She can be naughty and nice, it depends on her mood. So while decorating our bathroom in cherry red gel icing, she didn't realize how sticky and messy this might get. Counting down the days until Christmas is one of her favorite things to do. Forgetting about Lucy's big mess, Madison, on the morning of her dance performance goes to the bathroom and sits back into the gel mess. Sticky hair. Sticky clothes. Sticky everywhere. After many hair washes, scrubbing of the mirrors and toilet and throwing the clothes in the washer, little Lucy was sat in time out until she found her next escape route.

So what was good, bad and ugly about your weekend? Grab the button below and link up!

Incorporating Color


  1. The toilet seat made me laugh out loud. Lucy would tick me off!

    1. Thanks for stopping by!
      She has a little mind of her own :) It has been SO much fun having her around!

  2. Omg that toilet seat is hilarious! Oh Lucy made quite the mess lol That is such a cute elf though! Happy Holidays! I am over from the GBU Link-up.

    Chelsee @ Southern Beauty Guide

    1. Hey there! I started following you last week :) Love the blog!
      Yep little ol Lucy is a crazy elf! She keeps us entertained! I get alot of my ideas off of Pinterest, thank heavens for that site!

  3. Lucy is adorable, even though she causes mischief :) You'll have to post more about her antics!

  4. Breakfast with Santa sounds fun! And I can't believe that only two kids signed up to dance - that seems like a crazy-small number!

    Happy Monday!


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