Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Life Lessons: Wear Sunscreen

"What a beautiful, extraordinary blessing life is with so many experiences and so many people. It's ok to want better so long as we appreciate what we have right here, right now. There are no guarantees for tomorrow. We must live for today."-Lisa Desatnik

I'd like to think that being in my late 20's means I have my life together. Even with age I think we all learn something new each and every day. An event that teaches us a lesson or someone who snaps us back to reality.  There are so many people and situations that affect our lives shaping each of us into unique individuals. As a mother, I strive to be the best mother I can be. To set an example for my daughter to follow. It all seems to make sense the older you become. The stories you heard all of your life you now pass on to others. You find yourself becoming your parents, whether you like it or not. The lectures, the phrases you swore you would never say and the valuable lessons they have taught you are instilled inside your heart and soul.

At age 28 I feel like I have learned quite a bit along the way, still learning more and more every day but appreciating the experiences I have been faced with. Lord knows I could fill a book with all of the lessons I learned the hard way but for now here are just a few.




I remember the first time I heard this song. My best friends mother sat with my friend and I in her garage before we went shopping for school clothes. Seems just like yesterday. Every verse touched my heart and moved me. The song spoke to me in a way no other song has. I would soon be in a situation learning a hard lesson and I needed to prepare myself for it. 

That's what life is, one big lesson. We learn, we grow and we pass it on to the people we meet. I see myself later on down the road sitting with Madison, listening to this song in hopes that it touches her life and heart like it did mine. If you haven't heard it, I hope it impacts your day as well :)


What lessons have you learned?

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