
Friday, July 26, 2013


This may be the only Friday in a long time that I have not wanted to see come.

It is just one day closer to my little ladybug starting preschool.

I had looked at the school calendar and thought she was starting August 12th but come to find out at parent orientation last night that she starts Tuesday!



At least before I had the time off for vacation and planned on weeping for the rest of the day with a bottle of wine by my side but now I actually have to go to work after this tragic event happens! Blah.

Okay MAYBE I am overreacting but when it's your one and only child and they are growing like a weed all you can do is cry like a little baby.
Trust me it's called love.
So I've been trying to keep myself busy and not panic like a crazy person.

I guess I can high five myself for making it this far and not losing my sanity.

Here are my top high fives for the week!

1. I have been spoiled this week! With what you might ask? Time with my sister! I am on cloud nine that we are spending time together and doing fun things! We went and picked up her wedding band and then hit Cheeseburger In Paradise for dinner. Lady of The Sea is my fave drink! Yummo!
2. I guess no news is good news for now. I made it through my OB apt without being fully soaked in tears. Now I am waiting the two weeks for the test results.
3. Yummo! Madison wanted sugar snap peas and without realizing she wanted the cold ones in the salad aisle to dip in ranch, I bought the frozen bag ones that you heat up. They were a little plain so I buttered them up and covered them in bacon bits. Madison ate her entire plate, now that's a win!
4. After dinner, my sister, Madison and I all came back to the house to talk and hang out. What a great night!
5. Madison as you know starts school on Tuesday, as depressed as I am the school is awesome, her teacher seems nice and energetic and the program should teach her a lot. I look forward to seeing her succeed!!
What's got you excited on this Friday?
I would love to hear from you!
Happy Friday!!


  1. Today is my last day of vacation. :(. I am bummed that I have to take little man back to daycare on Monday.
    At least I was able to spend yesterday evening with a great group of girls.

  2. Oh, I hate when I get dates mixed up like that! Awesome job on the veggies, though! Happy weekending!

  3. I feel your pain on your one and only child starting preschool. It was harder on me then my child when she started and she is about to go into kindergarten now and I am petrified,and have all the fears and worries of when she started preschool. I promise, you are going to be fine and your little one is going to be great!!
    Hated on the Playground


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